Monday, March 2, 2015


Ok, so I can´t believe it, but I hit the half way mark this last week! Holy cow. It is so crazy how this whole time thing works.
So, the mission is something else. Sometimes I feel like I haven´t changed at all in these last nine months, but then I look at myself back then, and look at my self now, and I think more spiritually than anything, I have grown SO much. I´ve been thinking about it a lot lately, and before the mission, I knew the stuff. I knew the church was true, i knew the basics of the doctrine, I knew God and Jesus Christ exist, but in the mission, I have come to understand these truths better, and really come to feel and REALLY know that they are true. I am SO incredibly grateful for that. I am so grateful for the things I have learned, and for the testimony that I now have, and that I have these next nine months to really solidify and learn even more. What a blessing it is to be a missionary. 
This week has honestly been rough. We had very few lessons, I felt discouraged for the work, and honestly, I think mostly because I momentarily lost my focus a little. But this week is going to be better. I played soccer this morning and got all of my frustrations out, so it will be a good week haha;) 
However, despite the small number of lessons, we had some incredible ones too. We are teaching a 18 year old boy named Hector. He is awesome. Originally we were teaching other people that live in the house, and he just passed through here and there with friends and such. Later, we had the opportunity to talk to him and a friend about the book of mormon, and when we went back, Jessica told us that Hector had been reading. WHAT??? So when he got home, we started to talk to him a bit about it, and it was incredible. We talked about how we can pray to know if it´s true, and then he asked us if we had asked and gotten an answer, and when we told him yes, he sat there in awe, and just thinking. Then, when we went back and taught him the first lesson, he told us that he believes this is the only true church, and that he wants to keep learning. AH he his so special.
So right now we don´t have a ton of investigators. Some are out of town, others super busy with school starting up this next week, others have been sick, but little by little the work goes on, and I am SO grateful to be a part of it. 
I love you all. Thank you so much for your love and support! 
Hermana Adamson

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